New Dungeon & Discord Bot

For this week I’d like to talk a bit about a new dungeon that I’ve been working on for a while and the Discord bot I made a while ago for the 001 Discord Server which is available for anyone to add right now. More details in the bottom of the post, but if you want to read the basics, click here.

New Dungeon – Wizard Lair

Now that most of the core systems are in place, it was time to start working “full time” on a dungeon. Though I have started with some concepts of other dungeons, this is the first fully fleshed out one with a proper plot and storytelling. The dungeon consists of thee parts; The Laboratory, The Undercave and The Tower. There are currently four different ways of finding it, two of them being quests, random exploration and through notice boards.


Part of the Undercave. Work in progress, will probably change before release


The dungeon is inhabited by a bunch of crazy wizards known as The Outcast after being thrown out of the more politically correct Ring of Wizards who do magic for the greater good of the people. And yes, you can join either of them but not both at the same time. This also applies to other factions that are enemies to one another.

In their lair, The Outcast attempt various experiments, both on humans and machinery. Each of the unique wizards found here have a special subject they excel in and will eventually share some of their knowledge with the player.


The Laboratory. Work in progress, will probably change before release

Other fixes and additions

  • Added a mailing system which allows the player to send mail to other NPC’s and receive money or items through the mail service.
  • Message boards have random notes placed on them which change periodically.
  • General AI improvements
    • NPC’s go inside at night and come out during daytime
    • Some NPC’s take out their umbrella when it rains
    • Calls for help
    • Reporting crimes
    • Comment on current weather and time of day
  • Improved system for day & night to allow more flexible color grading during gameplay



Back in September I started a small project of writing a bot for the 001 Discord Server to fetch news and replace the then unavailable bot. PartyBot does a variety of things to spice up the chat with a little extra, such as hosting duels between online users and serving drinks. He/she/it is also able to search the internet using Duck Duck Go, find a random XKCD comic and flip coins for those harder decisions. It’s free, obviously, and can be added by clicking here! If you want to read more about it and all the features, click here!

That’s all for this week, cya in the next post!

Interfaces & Mini project

For this week I’d like to write about how the interfaces have changed since the last time I posted screenshots of them. Here’s a link to that post and talk a little about a small game I made during my vacation a few weeks ago that I completely forgot to write about in the last post. More on that near the end of this post.

New interfaces


Inventory and store category selector to more easily find items of certain types. From left to right; ALL, WEAPON, CLOTHING, CONSUMABLE, QUEST, BOOKS, REAGENTS, KEYS and last MISC


The character screen where you get an overview of your current stats, equipment and can distribute points in stats to improve them.


Inventory screen.


Dialogue box with the choices laid out below.


New character creator


Quest interface with your current quests laid out in a list. Hovering a quest shows you the current quest description and state.


Map screen. The overworld is laid out in a 6×6 grid. You must have a map in your inventory to access this screen.


That other game – PLAY IT

Like I said in the beginning of this post, I made a small game as a distraction during my vacation this year and uploaded it on for anyone to play. The game is made in Unity and it’s an endless runner (like we don’t have enough of those already). Here’s a screenshot of it:skjermbilde-2016-09-07-00-25-19As you play you must go through an endless obstacle course, dodging the traps and reach the end. Once you reach the end, the camera pulls back and puts you back at the beginning for you to go again. The levels are also randomly generated and full of colors, with some powerups to pick up as well.